Q: How do I code for percutaneous laryngeal injections using flexible endoscopic guidance?
A: Percutaneous laryngeal injections performed using flexible laryngoscopy for guidance and needle placement should be reported using 31574. This describes injection (s) for augmentation (eg percutaneous, transoral) for unilateral vocal cord.
Q: What if the laryngeal injection is done through the flexible scope?
A: Injections performed through the operating port of a flexible fiberoptic, or flexible distal-chip laryngoscope are still reported using 31574.
Q: Is flexible laryngoscopy using a distal chip scope also coded with 31575-31578?
A: Yes. While the optics and video sensor of a distal-chip flexible laryngoscope are different from (and generally superior to) those of a standard fiberoptic laryngoscope with attached video camera, the technique and physician work involved in using the two instruments is identical. Hence, 31575-31578 are used to report flexible laryngoscopy performed using either a fiberoptic (with naked eye or video observation) or distal-chip flexible laryngoscope.
Revised October 2023
Published May 2014