Resident Education Resources

The Academy has the following education activities and resources to support residents-in-training.

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The AAO-HNSF’s new flagship education product, FLEX—Focused Lifelong Education XPERIENCE, will provide the knowledge, education, clinical tools, and professional support to help you meet the challenges of your otolaryngology practice and build mastery throughout your career. Spanning across all eight specialty areas throughout the year, each topic will be presented in a variety of creative and contemporary learning modalities. Additionally, residents receive the newest OTOQuest set and Annual Meeting Webcasts.

Built on a fundamental learning philosophy that the needs and preferences for otolaryngology education will continue to evolve over time—so will the tools provided in the FLEX subscription to ensure they remain timely and relevant for all learners.

The FLEX subscription includes the opportunity to earn up to 600 CME/MOC credits annually – 100+ through FLEX, 200+ through OTO Logic, and 300+ for the Annual Meeting Webcasts.

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The comprehensive curriculum is a single-source online repository for otolaryngology education developed by the AAO-HNSF and the otolaryngology specialty societies.


Comprehensive Otolaryngologic Curriculum Learning through Interactive Approach (COCLIA) is a novel teaching tool designed to help residents systematically acquire otolaryngology-head and neck surgery knowledge. Based on adult learning principles, the program provides a discussion platform for basic anatomy, physiology, diagnosis, management and decision making of over 100 major otolaryngology topics.

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Nearly 1,200 case-based questions with rationales developed by nationally recognized experts covering eight specialty areas. Over 400 new questions will be available for purchase each September. Residents who sign-up for FLEX will receive that year’s set at no extra charge as part of their subscription.


OTO Logic is your otolaryngology education source. View examples of how education resources can be paired with the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Milestones for Otolaryngology.

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Share your ideas with the Academy to help us identify and develop education resources to help you succeed. Please contact us at: [email protected]
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