High Priority: Yes; Appropriate Use
Percentage of patients age 2 years and older patients with allergic rhinitis who do not receive leukotriene inhibitors.
All patients age 2 years and older with allergic rhinitis with a diagnosis of allergic rhinitis who do not have an active order
(prescription or reported over the counter use) of intranasal corticosteroids or second generation antihistamines.
Denominator Exclusions:
Exclude patients with concomitant diagnosis of asthma or sleep apnea.
Denominator Exceptions:
Patients with allergy to intranasal corticosteroids, allergy to second generation antihistamines, or prostate issues (due to
concern for intolerance of primary therapy options).
Patients who do not receive leukotriene inhibitors.
Measure Classifications:
- Measure Type: Process
- National Quality Strategy (NQS) domain: Effective Clinical Care
- Meaningful Measure Area: Medication Management
- Calculation: 1st Performance Rate
- Inverse measure: No
- Continuous measure: No
- Proportional measure: Yes
- Ratio measure: No
- Risk Adjusted measure: No